Video Analysis


Receive powerful insight into your strengths and improvement opportunities with our thorough, organized video analysis service. Come away loaded with hope and understanding for making your next breakthrough in skill and performance.  



Video Reveals The Truth.

Video analysis is a powerful way to interpret the effects and causes in your stroke through the an objective lens to find strengths and weaknesses and receive instruction to systematically improve those areas of highest priority.

Although you are training to use your own internal proprioception to monitor and correct your swimming form, getting a periodic external check-up is important for keeping those internal senses calibrated with reality. Our thorough video analysis will scan your body position and movement patterns to reveal your strengths and weaknesses and prescribe improvements according to our organizing principles of development.

When provided apart from membership in our Dojo our thorough analysis and prescriptions will often give you enough useful feedback to fill months of practice time. If you know how to practice already and just need to know what projects to work on, you should be more than satisfied with this stand-alone service.

When provided in conjunction with your membership in the Dojo we can select improvement projects and organize them in a way that fits into the assignments for the training course you are following. Either way, you will be rewarded with value insights and instructions.



$60 USD with Dojo membership.

$90 USD without membership.



2-month access to your Personal Discussion Zone in the Mediterra Dojo where your video analysis report will be published. There you may ask questions and discuss the results and instruction with your coach. You will also receive access to our Dojo Membership resources to supplement the instructions you receive.



Video analysis is suitable for those newly learning to swim, and those training in fundamental and advanced skills.


Shooting Video

Read our Instructions For Shooting Video.



Additional information

Service Added

With Current Membership, Without Current Membership