Introduction to the Catch and Exit for Backstroke
The “Catch” or underwater portion of the Backstroke starts from the Streamline lead arm and ends at the hip. The essential features of the Backstroke Catch are:
- the shape of the catch
- the pathway the catch travels down the torso
- the timing of the catch with torso rotation
The shape of the Catch is formed through the set up of the elbow and forearm, bringing it in from the extended lead arm closer in towards the torso. The aim is to avoid a straight arm that would put the entire movement and effort into the shoulder joint. Like an arm wrestler, the arm is stronger when brought closer in and compressed vs trying to arm wrestle out from the frame with a straight arm.
The pathway of the Backstroke Catch is neither at the surface nor stacked underneath the frame. Instead the Catch should travel close to the frame between the pectoral muscle and armpit. Follow the same path towards the hip.
When the Catch reaches the waist, it’s time to start the torso rotation. By the time the Catch finishes at the hip, the torso is completely rotated into a 45 degree angle.
*During the drill work, remember to always take the time to align and stabilize in Streamline before beginning each Catch. By doing this, the brain is continuing to reinforce the Balance and Streamline shape. If you notice you’re turning or curving directions during propulsion, this is either a result of catching with too much force or the spine isn’t straight for the force to be transferred on.
Lesson Review for Catch and Exit for Backstroke
- One-Sided with Pauses (at Set the Catch, at Elbow, at Waist)
- One-Sided Catch
- Bend the elbow (no straight arm) first
- Press with forearm, up to elbow
- Press water alongside the body (not underneath, not at the surface)
- Torso does not turn until hand reaches waist
- At the waist, hand and hip turn toward surface together
Practice Set for Catch and Exit for Backstroke
- 4x One-Sided Catch, Pause at Set the Catch, 4x Alternate Side
- 4x One-Sided Catch, Pause Forearm at Elbow, 4x Alternate Side
- 4x One-Sided Catch, Pause at Waist, 4x Alternate Side
- 4x One-Sided Catch to Hip with Rotation, 4x Alternate Side