Making Adaptation Decisions

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  • #14337
    Admin Mediterra

    This adaptation response should guide your work in assignments that are stretching your technical and fitness together. By stressing your system just enough, but not too much, then stopping to recover (for another set) or rest (until next practice), is the key to improving performance continually.


    How To Adapt To Longer Strokes

    The sign of adapting to faster stroke length is when you feel as smooth and stable at SPL N-1 as you did previously at N. It is when you do not feel you need to exert extra effort to maintain it for 200 or more.

    In SPL Adaptation sets you are aiming to ‘stretch’ the active range of flexibility of your body, to improve precision of body position and movement patterns, and reduce drag and excess muscle tension in every way. You do not have tempo constraints so you may focus on length and ease of effort and smooth, full application of force through the full range of the stroke.

    At some point you may start to feel restricted, or unstable, or no longer precise. You may feel you need to add more power because you can no longer find a lower effort way to squeeze another centimeter out of the stroke.


    How To Adapt To Faster Tempo

    The sign of adapting to faster tempos is when you feel more capable of holding precision at faster tempos – when you feel you can more quickly slip into your best rhythm at a faster tempo than you could before.

    In Tempo Adaptation sets you are aiming to achieve a certain smooth, rhythmic sensation at each faster tempo step. You may initially feel it is easy to establish this rhythm at the first few steps. At some point you may start to feel rushed at you start on the step. And eventually you will feel that you cannot find the rhythm by the end of the step. 


    Adaptation Decision Tree

    When you hit an obstacle to your sense of ease in either SPL or Tempo Adapation sets you have three options for how to respond:

    1. If minor difficulty, you may repeat this step (repeat the same number of repeats again) at this same tempo or same SPL settings, to give you body more time to adapt.
    2. If major difficulty, you may back up one step and repeat at that previous tempo or SPL settings to give your body more time to adapt at that easier step.
    3. If massive difficulty – energy and attention is depleting – then you may stop the set for the day. You’ve reached your limit.

    Record your progress (how much further you went in this set before neural failure) from practice to practice.

    ~ ~ ~

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