Perception First
To run better, to run faster, to last longer, we need to turn on our attention and direct it toward what’s happening in the body.
Perception is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. It’s the kind of attention that uses the senses.
Perception comes from detecting differences in position, in movement, in pressure, in sound, in temperature – we increase perception by noticing differences, and deviations from the ideal form.
Good form makes you more efficient with limited energy – get more done for less expense. Efficiency gives you options: finish feeling better, go farther, or go faster. Efficiency makes you safer – you can train harder, and enjoy this activity longer in life.
Endurance Comes From Attention
Endurance comes from creating good form, and holding good form for longer periods of time. You hold attention on good form. You read the feedback on positive sensations when holding good form and negative sensations when deviating from it. You spend your run time with attention on protecting and this form. While doing this, your body builds specific strength around these very specific movement patterns, making them more robust. You keep your mind occupied with positive and productive tasks. Time goes by more quickly, more enjoyably.
In these practices you are increasing your strength of attention on good form, gradually earning the privilege of later on being able to run on ‘auto-pilot’ where good form will remain resilient under stress without having to concentrate on it so much.