Following an Organic Training Plan

Something that is organic is something that grows, that changes and adapts as it learns and grows. 

An organic training plan is one that respects both the laws of physics and physiology, and your own unique person and conditions. It changes and grows with you as you change and grow. As you learn and gain new perspective the training plan changes to reflect that.

You may start with a fully designed and scheduled training plan. But then you would allow it to be flexible with changed in your body, changes in your perspective, changes in your life. The plan would serve your life as it unfolds rather than control it.

Having a well-designed and scheduled plan is easier to modify than having to create structure for yourself each day because there is no plan at all. Knowing the principles behind that plan allow you to modify it in a responsible way, as your needs and perspective change. 

If you have some solid principles to guide you, a specific skill goal in mind, and a thoughtful path to get there, then you don’t have to live by rigid training rules and oppressive daily discipline to keep progressing. When you internalize the training principles and have things organized in your mind then you are more free to follow an organic path to training.

Organic does not mean ‘no plan’ – it means, having principles in place so that you can be carefully flexible with your plan and still have a good chance of reaching your goal.

This is an art as much as a science and it takes time to get the hang of it.

Choosing Your Own Drills

You may notice in our training plans and courses we don’t often tell you which drill to use. You need to review lesson notes and reflect on your live lesson experience to choose those which suit your needs right now.

We do not attempt to tell you what drills to use because the selection of the right drill is quite personal to your own situation. What skill do you want to work on? How simple or complex do you need the starting activity to be? How many repetitions of that drill will you need to do to get a grasp or tune up for the next activity? Those are questions that each person would answer differently.

You may be uncertain yet about which ones to use for which skills, but through experimentation you will quickly learn those which help you the most and those that do not. You may view Guidance for Working With Drills. You may ask on the forum or ask your coach for recommendations. Eventually, we hope and intend that you will have enough experience with the drills to know which to use for your learning needs in this moment.

Just ask if you need help!

Simple Rating System for Your Practice Results

Here is a simple rating system you may use when evaluating your practice results, especially when you are focused a skill or quality in the body or stroke that is not easily measured in a more objective way.

You may use it in your discussions with your coach.

  • 1 Star (♦) – disappointing – below my standard
  • 2 Star (♦♦) – acceptable – at about the standard I have set for myself
  • 3 Star (♦♦♦) – marvelous – above the standard I have set for myself

When your performance is at 1 star for more than 50% of the time consider lowering the complexity of the task in order to create a more suitable challenge level for your current neurological abilities.

When your performance is at 2 Star for more than 60% to 80% of the time, keep going. This is good imprinting work. If it is above 80% then you should consider raising your standard for quality, or raising the complexity of the task.

When your performance is at 3 Star for more than 30% of the time (Good Job!) you should consider increasing the complexity of your task.