Reply To: Video Analysis August 2019

Mat Hudson


[With these two underwater side videos I could see the recovery arm directly, but I could see clues as to what may be happening above]

Strong Points

Quiet (splashless) exit of the lower arm


Weak Points

With over-rotation, the arm is (likely) being pulled up over the top of the body

Fingers may be pulled away from the surface of the water


Improvement Opportunities

Control rotation angle first, then work on exiting the water with elbow shooting out wide, rather than up

A low-rotation angle and wide shoulder on the opposite side will help stabilize the body for a wider elbow exit

On the Video Tutorials page you may view the Maintaining the Elbow Orientation in Freestyle video.



Strong Points

It appears to be quiet, low-splash


Weak Points

Both sides, entering with low (dropped) elbow, creating shallow entry angle

L side, hand entering with thumb down


Improvement Opportunities

Both sides, work on high elbow (steep 45 degree) entry (shoulder must be internally rotated more at entry)

Both sides, see that hands enter with palm facing surface, like sliding into a mailslot


The elbow orientation needs to be set all the way back in the Recovery Swing, so that the elbow maintains its orientation all the way through Recovery > Entry > Extension > Catch

On the Video Tutorials page you may view the Maintaining the Elbow Orientation in Freestyle video.



Strong Points

Both sides, the arm extends to a good target depth – hands know where to go


Weak Points

Both sides, rotating elbow downward (externally rotating shoulder joint), turning armpit inwards

R side, palm turns inward (in response to elbow rotating down)


Improvement Opportunities

Both sides, keep armpit open wide, open towards bottom

Extend lead arm as far forward as you comfortably can (straight but without strain or distortion in spine alignment), while keeping your elbow rotated up (shoulder rotated in). This will keep the shoulder wide, the armpit open to the bottom of the pool and help resist further rotation.


You may view some additional helpful focal points for Recovery, Entry and Extension on the 101 Focal Points page.

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