What if I have to slow down to improve my SPL?

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  • #2499
    Admin Mediterra

    There is an saying in the strong tradition of elite military and hand-to-hand combat training: Slow equals Smooth, and Smooth equals Fast.

    There are three stages you will go through during this Improvement Process…


    Your stroke must slow down to allow you to gain control over the movement. By slowing down you will be able to better concentrate and examine the details of the stroke, and learn to control each of them with more precise. You must allow yourself to slow down as much as you need to in order to get control over the stroke length.


    Then, as your brain imprints the neuro-muscular control through thousands of successful repetitions you will naturally start speeding up the Tempo again, simply because it will get easier and easier to create that stroke as the brain memorizes the pattern. Most likely you won’t have to push yourself to speed up your stroke Tempo, it will come back naturally to a certain point.

    You do not need to fear imprinting a SLOW stroke – you will be imprinting PRECISION. Tempo comes next.


    Then, you can add a Tempo Trainer and start challenging that stroke on incrementally faster Tempos, and monitor your Stroke Length as you go.

    So you much trust the process. You will end up being able to handle much higher Tempos if you first allow yourself to let go of Tempo in order to get control over Stroke Length.

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