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Personalizing Your Practice

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Personalizing Your Practice

The courses have provided structure and a general practice pattern for you. But, there are some decisions you need to make in order to make each practice fit you personally.


Sequence Of Practice Design Decisions

Decision #1

In each section there are certain assignments given. Decide which of those assignments you will work on today. You may work on more than one. There are four assignments in each section. You may select any of those, and even take an assignment from another section, if you like.

You will likely repeat each assignment several times (spread out over several practices). You may plan a practice with certain assignments in it, then repeat that exact same practice a few times. Or you may change the selection of assignments. Or you may change the order that you work on them during the practice.

If you are feeling strong in one of the assignments, or curious about the next ones, move on and explore. If you are not feeling strong in those skills and have the patience to persist, you should stay working on the current assignment over a few more practices.


Decision #2

Select the activities you will use for each assignment. The activities you choose should match the complexity level you feel you need to work at in this skill.

See Activities And Complexity for a description of those levels.


Decision #3

We will suggest some drills to use for a particular assignment. But you are welcome to choose your own, and experiment with other drills. Most drills can be used for working on several different skills.

You may select a drill from those you learned in your workshop, or you may take one from the Perpetual Motion Freestyle (PMF) video series, or from the Ultra-Efficient Freestyle (UEF) video series.

You may view this chart that lists the drills in each video series which shows which skill sets each drill is meant to develop.


Decision #4

For each assignment we recommend a certain cue to use. You may use that one or use one from our 101 Cues page, or one from your live training notes. Cues are tools-not-rules, so please use one that works best for you to achieve the assigned quality, and use it properly.


Decision #5

You may then decide how to personalize the complexity of the assigned practice set. You chose the activities that match the complexity level you need, and during practice you may see that you need to adjust it further.

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