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Pleasure Runs

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There may be a lot of training ahead to get to the level of performance you are aiming for. But why all this training, if not to enjoy running for its own sake? You may not be at the level you would like to be yet, but you can enjoy what you’ve got already. It is important to savor your ability to just move freely, and be grateful for what you have today, even while working towards something more.


How To Do A Pleasure Run

A pleasure run is about running in a way that brings you the most pleasure possible.

How would you do it, if your objective was to head out, create as much pleasure in motion, and then extend that pleasure for as long as possible?

Where would you go? How fast or slow would you run? What time of day? Who would you go with?  How long would you go for?

Your answer to those questions on that day will tell you how to design this pleasure run.

You may not want to focus on much inside your body since you have been doing that so intently in the other practices. But keep in mind that the point training for superior technique is that it is easier on the body to run with good form. A Pleasure Run presumes not only will your mind be doing pleasant things, your body will be moving in a pleasant way. Your form skills are there to produce that pleasure in your body. So you may not totally turn off your attention – rather keep one eye on those features that make you feel the best.

When the pleasure subsides, that is the sign you should stop. 

And, that is how you do your Pleasure Run.

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