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This is what I did after discovering the TI method in 2001. I scoured the book and any other TI resources to extract all the written practice sets I could find. I wrote them down (in TI code language) on small colored index cards and then laminated them so I could use them poolside.

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I suggest you take some of your favorite practice sets in the three or four practice types many of the Dojo courses utilize. Organize them into some categories of purpose, write them on colored index cards (one color for each category, several cards in each practice type).

Laminate those cards. Keep them in your swim bag. If you don’t know what else to do when you come to the pool, pull out your cards, scan through them and take the one that grabs your interest for the day. You can feel more secure that any of the color-coded practice cards are designed to carry you in the right direction.