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Practice Set for Integrated Breathing

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Practice Sets for Integrated Breathing

Skills To Build

•  To maintain the First Connections

•  To turn and return the head without disrupting that ideal stroke pattern

•  To feel as little disruption to The Frame and Streamline Shape as possible

•  To make breathing feel the same on either side

Breathing easily depends greatly on the strength of your stroke skills which support it. You want to feel your body long, straight, and firm in Streamline as you turn and return the head from breathing. The turning of the head should not disrupt the position of the body, nor force the movement of the recovery arm. Use the thrust of the catch and aim your body in Streamline to slide the upper body near the surface so the head is right there at the air already.


Practice Set for Integrated Breathing

Choose 2 or 3 of the cues from the lesson to work on today.

Then, for each cue, work through these activities, as far as you can go successfully. Take one cue and work through the list. Then take the next cue and work through the list again, and so on.

•  4 to 6x, for each side, Balance Position to Streamline with ‘Nod’

•  4 to 6x, for each side, Balance Position to Streamline with ‘Split The Face’

•  4 to 6x, for each side, Balance Position to Streamline with ‘Hooked Fish’

•  4 to 6x, for each side, 3 Strokes To Streamline

•  4 to 6x, for each side, 3 Stroke, 3-Part Breathing, 3 Strokes

•  4 to 6x, for each side, 6 Strokes with 1 turn to breath (no pauses)

•  4 to 6x, for each side, 9 strokes with 2 turns to breath along the way

•  2x length of pool, for each side, turning toward air on every 4-2-4-2 strokes

•  2x length of pool, turning toward air on every 3 strokes

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