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2 Beat Kick Drill Demos

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Below are various drills we use for developing the 2-Beat Press, what we formerly called the 2-Beat Kick.


2BK Single Foot Sweep

A standing rehearsal for practicing a single foot motion with hip torque.


2BK Windshield Wiper

A standing rehearsal for practicing foot-hip torque connection.



2BK Crescent Moons Drill

A drill for practicing bi-lateral foot and hip connection, in Superman position.


2BK Foot Wiggle Spear

A drill for practicing the connection of foot and arm extension, one side at a time, in Spear Switch.


2BK Stretch The Bow

A drill for practicing the set up for 2 Beat Kick on one side, in Skate position.


2BK Swedish Sequence

A series of drills for practicing the connection of foot to core rotation.

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